Jump Out of the Boat // Audrey

When it's in your power to release someone, release them.

Speak the truth in love, speak life to the broken, hurt, and deceived.

Whether there is forgiveness, thankfulness, or an acknowledgement of wrongs, letting go is for the sake of the kingdom.

You may cry, stumble, and look foolish.

But would you regret not doing it? Yes, and chances are you will never regret doing it.

It's as if he has whispered in my ear, "Remember, child, I have stood with you and for you when we went toe to toe with your Goliath's." He has walked me through personal hells to release and speak truth to others, and at the same time, used it to set me free. He has gave me the words and recalled His Word to my lips in dire times of choices, and in the end has allowed me to simply stand against all odds.

It is recognition of our full dependence on Him that makes us long for what He created us for... His glory.

Whether it is regret, guilt, or pain, holding us back... we must share the life-giving gospel. Rock the boat, jump out of it if we must! 

- Audrey McElveen