
Worship on Mission // Micah

I used to subconsciously think dedicated Christ-Followers fit into two categories: those who were focused on worship and those whose sights were set on mission, as if worship and mission were two disconnected acts. My naivety began to be undone by the Word and personally experiencing a pitfall in this line of thinking. Two powerful interconnected truths have emerged...

Worship Fuels Mission
Most believers know that unrepentant sin depletes the soul and derails mission. The harder thing to wrap the head around is the reality that seeking to sustain good works in our own strength will eventually have a similar effect. A car so bent on doing its job, driving things forward, that it refuses to stop and be refueled will eventually be rendered useless. In similar fashion is the mission-centered person who neglects the practice of worship. How do we "not grow weary in well doing?" One of the key realities I have come to see is the correlation between worship and the perpetuating of mission. Worship provides octane and is a key ingredient of the fuel needed in the gas tank of anyone seeking to sustain a life on mission. Experience is teaching me that while we are never beyond the rescuing hand of our Savior, it is better to run with a continually gassed up tank.

Worship Fills Mission
Worship provides the core content in evangelistic outreach. There is a reason the essence of Christ message, the gospel, is called "good news." Yes, the good news, "through faith in Christ we are graciously afforded right relationship with God forever" comes on the tail of the bad news, "our sin has separated us from Christ and will do so eternally if not pardoned by God". The bad news, however, only enhances the good news, which makes up the core content of our worship and outreach. An evangelism that is worship becomes a "Dude, you won't believe how good Jesus is! You have to let me tell you about him!" The proclamation to the lost is more like a simultaneously vertical and horizontal worship service.

May we be a people that makes known to God our thanks and declares to others His goodness, taking Worship On Mission.

“All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your saints shall bless you! (vertical) They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power, to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom." (horizontal) Psalm 145:10-12

- Micah McElveen