
A Sunrise // Audrey

This morning it was still dusk as I started my run on the road inside Pursell Farms. I couldn't help but thank God for this wonderful privilege to have Vapor's Headquarters here and how I could just step out on a run and enjoy such a beautiful place.  The trees, the rolling hills, the dew on the morning grass, the budding flowers, and even the longhorn cattle grazing near the clear creeks, all attesting to the splendor and power of our God.

The sun started to rise, shooting colors of pink, purple, and orange above the bright green fields.  I ran in awe as I saw the rays of sun brighten my upcoming path. It reminded me of when I was a child and how I would draw the sun with all these yellow and orange spider-legged-looking lines coming out of a round circle.

I was quickly brought to Lamentations 3:22-23, which says,

 "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

The sun rises every morning, bringing with it His mercies.  Sometimes storms come and cover up the sun. However, we still know the sun is there, because if it wasn't, life on this earth would cease to exist. The clouds are simply covering up our view of the sun. And when the storm passes and the clouds disappear, we then clearly see the sun, and we are reminded it (He) has always been there. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, is always faithful, even when we feel our faith is small.

Regardless of how we may have felt or even failed during the storm, one thing is for sure, today is a new day that God has graciously given us, full of His mercies and unchangeable faithfulness. Our desire should be to be found faithful every day, rain or shine, wherever we find ourselves, and relying on His faithfulness and mercies.  So, even when the storms come and we can't clearly see the sun (Son), We'll know it (He) is still there and that His faithfulness and mercies towards us are as well.

Life is short, especially in the light of eternity.  Though our lives are fleeting, that doesn't mean that they are insignificant. It's just a sweet reminder that it's really not that long of a time to endure, persevere, be steadfast and run the race set before us.

If only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord has set before me- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace (Acts 20:24).

All glory to God.

- Audrey McElveen

Relentless Faithfulness // Micah

Often in the Bible, steadfastness, and love are tied together to communicate how God, not only loves His own, but does so with relentless faithfulness. He is not sparing or wavering in His commitment to continually treat His children with unmerited love and kindness. His persistent and consistent love for us flows out of who He is, not what we have done or not done to earn it. It stems from His person and from His actions, and it always runs congruent with His character. Praise Jesus for His steadfast love for us.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

- Micah McElveen