Another Way // Audrey

"Dont! Audrey, Please, I beg you....just don't!"

How cold hearted, how insincere. I obeyed. Despite every urging inside my being, I pulled my hands away and stepped backward.

The frail lady, barely dressed...kept insisting with her motions. Holding her skinny baby outstretched for me to take.

As Justice* (one of our Vapor Ministries West African staff members) finally reached my side, the lady pulled her baby in, spit on the ground at my feet and turned, quickly walking away.

Tears filled my eyes, my voice cracked..."Why? Why wouldnt you let me hold that precious woman's baby"

"She was about to hand you her baby and then run. She was going to abandon her baby. " Justice explained.

Did this woman really want to give away her child? Didnt she love her child? Before I or we quickly judge, I believe she absolutely loved her child. She loved him enough to give him away to what she thought may be a better life.

Though I was there to help, I was quickly awakened to how easy it was for "predators" to enter small villages like this one. Promising extremely poor parents a "better life" if they gave up their children. In desperation, many just hand their children over. And so the "better life” promised becomes a sick cycle of "trafficked" children.

"Some staff and I will go visit her and offer her a job at the Vapor Ministries Center so she can provide for her child. She needs to know there is another way."

Not only do our Vapor Ministries' centers provide a safe place for children, youth and adults to have basic necessities met (such as clean drinking water, access to health services and emergency food provisions) but also access to generational change agents (such as education, agricultural practices, business training and employment opportunities.) Mothers and Fathers are given opportunity to provide for their children with dignity and honor by the work of their hands. They become part of a community that will watch over and protect the helpless and needy.  Most importantly they are introduced to the One who loves them and created them on purpose for a purpose, Jesus Christ. Then they become the voice, the change agent... a ripple cycle called "redemption".

I wish I could say that was the one and only time a desperate mother has reached her baby out for me to take.  Each time has been forever burned into my memory. But, I know there is hope, another way. I can now say, with assurance, that I have far more stories and endless names eternally gifted in my heart, of the rescued. Loving parents raising world changers. And YOU are part of the rescue mission. Jesus, is the hope of the world and each of us are taking His light and extinguishing the darkness.

-Audrey McElveen

Dark To Light // Micah

"Children of the light.” We are designed to illuminate the darkest corners of our world. Our wicks burn by the source of life.

Yet in the belly of the night our lamps weaken. Day seems a distant dream. Sight fading we ask, "What good can happen in the darkness?”

In the darkness of an unformed Universe God shaped the world. At His word light burst into the void.
In the darkness of a sorrow drenched tomb deaths chains were lifted. God's light raised the life of Christ.
In the darkness of trial God’s mercy peers into shame clouded eyes. His verdict washes our face in the light grace.

"Much good…” He replies, “I specialize in bringing dark to light."

-Micah McElveen

Mission in the Middle // Audrey

"Thats ok, we will draw pictures to give to the stewardess, pilots and people in the airport while we wait. I want people to know Jesus loves them so we can draw a cross and write on each picture." Arrow our five year old explained cheerfully.

"Yessss!!!" Given our three year old spirited daughter agreed.

As a family of four we were flying from Birmingham to New York City to "be on mission". We were scheduled to speak three times on behalf of Vapor Ministries at a partnering church in the city.  That morning we left home at 4am and now found ourselves in the airport on a long layover with flight delays and heavy eyelids. 

My husband and I found a food court with plenty of seating and we deeply sighed as we sat down with our children.  And thats when Arrow's response reminded us...Mission isnt just the destination we are headed to...its in the Middle too.

The kids sat, coloring picture after beautiful picture. Messages of Jesus' love written on each page.  They joyfully passed out pictures to "unseen" airport workers, fellow travelers, weary stewardess & tired pilots.  The responses were incredible; "I needed that today", "25 years working at this airport and thats the best thing thats ever happened to me", "Im taking that home to hang on my refrigerator", "Will you pray for me?" "I am so touched"....on and on it went.

Even if we never made it to our destination (and we eventually did that evening) we engaged in meaningful, eternal mission...our children leading the way to the Glory of Christ. 

-Audrey McElveen


My Life in Your Death // Audrey

October marks the anniversary of when you died. It also marks the anniversary of the beginnings of Vapor Ministries.

A humbling celebration of the miraculous.

God breathing life back into your lungs.

A celebration of how God birthed a vision, that would reach hundreds of thousands, one day millions across the globe. Its unfathomable really. The thirst of babies being quenched from clean drinking water wells, Mother's and Father's employed with dignity, Countless Children receiving a quality education, and Hope spreading like a consuming fire into entire communities with the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Selfishly...I also think of Me. Your wife. Your best friend. Your Partner.

Your death, brought my life indescribable purpose. I know Ive said it many times, but its true. If you hadn't broke your neck, you would have never been in that place on your journey to meet me.

I saw all of you on that journey and I have always loved all of you. Even your death.

Your death allowed me to be linked to you. To be part of an eternal purpose in serving God together with our beautiful family. He didnt just breathe life back into your lungs that day in October...He gave me and countless others a purpose worth dying for.

I love you Micah McElveen. Your story is God's story, and its helping to write so many other's stories...including mine.

-Audrey McElveen

Focus Through Flurry // Micah

“Set your Sights” Col 3:1

Clear vision is a powerful force. It harnesses energy, rallies effort, and propels progress towards a destination. When palpable enough, it will have you believe you’re swimming in it long before you touch its waters.

But uncertainties cloud our eyes and life’s storms blur our view. We may still be rowing, we just can no longer make out the shoreline. In the fog, many lose their bearings and find themselves aimlessly adrift.

Ironically, vision’s best work is in the haze. It cuts through the fog. And when it does, the rudder can be oriented and ores fortified.

While the waters rage with chaos, the boat is propelled by purpose. The sailing may not be smooth, but mission is advanced when we Focus Through Flurry.


-Micah McElveen

Release Your Arrows // Micah

Desire crouches within. A will to survive, to overcome, is threaded into our bones. When a threat emerges an instinct to defend leaps from this place. Hair raised and adrenaline coursing we wield what we have to fight as best we can.

This reality in the natural is true in the spiritual.

Here, in a high stakes war, Paul calls us to “fight the good fight.” Great weapons we possess, but little time we have. The opportunity to advance the Kingdom appears, then like a mist it dissipates. We can’t afford to hold back.

“What if?” haunts those who cease with a quiver half full.

Today is the day. Draw your bow. Release Your Arrows.

-Micah McElveen


Engage The Face of Suffering // Micah

"Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, 'Behold, we did not know this,' does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?" Proverbs 24:11-12

The world feels exceptionally weighty today, and I am gripped with sadness.

Video from Afghanistan. Earthquakes, flooding, and tremendous political unrest in Haiti. Unconscionable human atrocities taking place in North Korea. A ruthless war raging across Ethiopia. Mass detainment and killing of Uyghurs across China. The list goes on. The world, clearly, is not as it should be.

As we watch the shocking events in Afghanistan unfold across social channels, we feel anger, frustration, and sadness, with swaths of overlap. We recognize the horrific nature of what lies before our eyes and hope for peace. We want wrongs righted and evil defeated, people groups lifted out of poverty and oppression halted. We want dignity for all to rise. But what we have is the opposite.

In moments such as these, I wonder, “What can we, practically, do in response to evil in the world? Board a plane? Enter a warzone? How is the church, how am I, to respond to suffering across the globe?” In moments like these, I am tempted to simply disengage.

In Scripture, we find ourselves obligated to care for the poor and oppressed. The passage above swats the notion of simply living unaware of these events. Whether or not we are overtly aware of specific incidents, we recognize instinctually our world's innate 'wrongness.' We are called to combat this wrongness.

Alexander MacLaren summed this idea up in his expository work on Proverbs.

"Violence slays its thousands, but supine negligence slays its tens of thousands."

This idea cuts to the heart. Most who live in developed societies are so protected from the tremendous human suffering across the world we grow disconnect. Our general position of privilege on the world stage often leads to an under-appreciation for atrocities taking place. We lack the context for it in our daily lives. The result? Indifference in the face of need.

This need is physical and spiritual. We are called to care for human suffering because Christ cares about human suffering. However, the far weightier - the far mightier - component lies in the spiritual realm. Eternal spiritual punishment awaits those who leave this Earth without knowing Christ. We are called to care for souls who don’t know Christ as He does.

There are, of course, practical limitations to the level of involvement we can assume. But we can’t allow practical limitations to become excuses. We can’t allow our fortunate situations to keep us from serving those not so lucky. We have an obligation, as believers, to engage.

While we may not be physically called to these places, we can still go. Our giving can carry us into their hurt. Our prayers can portal heaven into their pain. Our influence can provoke change. And who knows, He may just call your feet to walk into their streets. His did.

Whatever the context looks like for you, in the face of suffering, we are called to engage, as Christ did for us.

- Micah McElveen


Head Bent Low // Micah

“Live it up. Get yours. Do you.” Loud calls resound in today’s streets. They seek to drown an age-old whisper. Yet the Word, who walked our road then, echos true now.

Jesus still speaks, "humbly go.” He calls us to walk firm on knees worn. But He went beyond words. In a world standing for self, He laid life down.

“Jesus help us lead with heart held high and Head Bent Low.

-Micah McElveen


Out Of The Mouth... // Micah

…of babes thou perfected praise.” (Matt. 21:16)

“Dad, God loves people right?”

“Yes, Arrow, He does.”

“Doesn’t He want people to love each other?”

“Yes son.”

“Then why are people who love God mean to people?”

After a thoughtful pause he spoke before I opened my mouth, “I guess good people sometimes do things that hurt God's heart.”

A tear welled in my heart and grew into a prayer, “God may your love for us turn into love for others. May blessing not cursing flow Out Of The Mouth.

-Micah McElveen

Bend to Rise // Micah

The hunger to achieve is a common appetite and elevated status naturally follows success. We were designed to ascend.

Sadly, the fall of man gave rise to a depraved craving. A disease began to ravage humanity. The suppression of one to elevate another plagued societies in unchecked fashion.

Then came Jesus...

The Lord of Lords exalted the humble servant.

The King Of Kings elevated the peasant.

The Author Of Life raised the dead.

The Most High lifted the low.

The Lamb lionized service.

When I lift my eyes from a fallen world, God enlarges my view. He then points me back to down cast souls in need of The One who was laid low so others could rise.

My prayer? “Jesus help us live to lift you high and raise others up. Teach us to Bend To Rise.”

-Micah McElveen

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Danger in the Deep // Micah

“Let’s go deep” typically precedes confusing and controversial content. Many snack shop theologians revel in endless debate over “deep mysteries.” But a pause in argument reveals an audience sitting in greater frustration and reduced clarity. When animosity and ambiguity continually result from “deep” communication one must ask some basic questions...

Why am I speaking?

Am I trying to make clear the truths of heaven or project my intellectual capacity?

What is the point of my “depth?”

I find the most inspiring communicators bring deep things to the surface.

-Micah McElveen

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Bridge Through Pain // Micah

Our hearts pump purpose through our veins. To live is to long to get where we’re meant to go. But all living things encounter pain along the road. And pain hurts. Hurt, it hinders. It consumes time, sucks mental energy, and demands our resources. Suffering stops many in their tracks.

But what if pain could double as a pathway?

1 day dead. 2 months in the hospital. 3 years in rehab. 4 years in chronic pain. My accumulated suffering was no walk in the park. But in time it took on an unexpected shape. As I peered past the hurt, it’s blinding fog cleared. In its place emerged a footbridge.

Jesus saw suffering as the means to indescribable joy. He endured it with purpose in view. He turned the cruelest torture into a pathway. The Great Shepard knows the way. He invites us to follow.

I assure you, if allowed, He’ll turn your cross into a Bridge Through Pain.

-Micah McElveen

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Surrender Proceeds Salvation // Micah

The downward road leads to the upward path. At the trail head stands the cross of He who laid it down to raise us up.

The way of the wise is guided by the truth that tomorrows salvation is the payout of today’s surrender.

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:10

Romans 10:13 “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

-Micah McElveen


With or For? // Micah

Surely God is on our side. He entirely opposes those I disagree with…right?

I often pray this way. As if The Sovereign King was waiting for an invitation to join my plan.

But Jesus transcends agenda. He is the Way. The Word, who became flesh, is not a proof text meant to puncture my point. He is The Final Say. The Lord Of Heaven And Earth is not a role player hoping to land on my team. He is the Owner.

The more light He shines, the clearer my heart sees. The real question is, “Am I with You?”

God is teaching me to walk in Joshua’s prayer, “As for me and my house we will.” The Commander of Angel Armies is leading me away from the ditch of demanding “are you With me Or For them?“

“When Joshua was near the town of Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with sword in hand. Joshua went up to him and demanded, ‘Are you friend or foe?’ ‘Neither one,’ he replied. ‘I am commander of the Lord’s army.’ At this, Joshua fell with his face to the ground in reverence. ‘I am at your command’ Joshua said. ‘What do you want your servant to do?’” (Joshua 5:13-14 NLT)

-Micah McElveen


Separately Mixed Together // Micah

“My company owned my best thoughts. I realized my family could benefit from ideals making my firm great. Let’s start here.”

Not what I expected…at all.

I sat pen in hand at a little BBQ joint eager for organizational insight. It was my first meeting with a CEO leading a company with over $8 billion in assets under management. I was conflicted. I didn’t barely sleep the night before to hear pastoral advice from a business genius.

Over 10 years later he has walked me through valleys and guided me up peaks. Counselor, confidant and coach. It’s impossible to communicate the wisdom, the value, God has brought into my life through him. Today he is board chair and god father to my kids.

But I will never forget the first lesson, God’s principles apply to all of life, so give your best to all under your care.

Vapor Ministries does have great clarity around our Vision, Mission, Values and preferred Culture. My family would not, if my mentor hadn’t shown me, the best things can be Separately Mixed Together.

-Micah McElveen


Blessing or Blessor? // Micah

Many sat on the door step of starvation. My heart cracked as it watched hundreds offer the little grain, chicken and the like they possessed before setting up shop in the square. If they did not follow suit? Sales would slump. The family would pay.

Affection did not accompany the sacrifices. The god of the market was faceless. It wasn’t worship. It was survival.

When I returned from Africa a question met me at church. “What do you want more, Jesus or His stuff?”

I’ve lingered long over the thought.

I know He promises His own inheritance. Yet, Im convinced the true gift of the gospel isn’t toys. The sacrifice of the cross gave us…God.

We should boldly seek His resources for His mission. We must also ask what we want more, Blessing or Blessor?

“…give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me just enough to satisfy my needs. For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ And if I am too poor, I may steal and thus insult God’s holy name.” (Proverbs 30:8b-9 NLT)

-Micah McElveen


Worship's Not White // Micah

…And Praise Isn’t Black

As soon as I entered my best friend’s bustling church, Mt. Olive Baptist, I realized I was one of seven white people, six were my family.

When I returned to mine, zero people of color, unless you count the girl who frequented the tanning salon.

That’s when it hit me. President Carter was right, “The most segregated hour in the south is Sunday at 10am.” In some cases, it may just be the case. In others, I wonder if we should be doing more to make praise to Jesus now, look more like it will before Him in eternity.

My family and I serve alongside a diverse tribe among the nations. We worship where we do, in part, because we didn’t want our kids growing up thinking mission was multi-hued and Worship was White.

“After this, I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.” Revelation 7:9

We are better together. Let’s come together in unity and reach the world!



Salt & Pepper // Micah

As different as can be. My “brother from another mother.”

No one comes into the world hating different. All need others to survive. Most don’t want to compromise their values but do long to “come together” and make a difference. So we form tribes. The problem?

They’re typically salt or pepper war parties.

Leading a global team of 500 brothers and sisters from diverse ethnic backgrounds, 450 clothed with a different skin tone than mine, has colored my leadership. Im now convinced a superior body arises when we clinch eternal values and open arms to earthly differences.

There’s intrinsic value in the “same kind of different as me.” After all, the best dishes, carry a pinch of Salt & Pepper.

-Micah McElveen


Looking To Hear // Micah

“For no word from God will ever fail.” (Luke 1:37)

Legs were designed to sprint down roads that matter. But noble paths must be seen before they’re run on. And these days…It is hard to see through the noise.

So how do we stay the course in an age where the fog is deafening?

We must ask God to help us see the narrow road. Pray, that He tune us into the light shining from The Way. We must open our ears to see the eternal highway flowing out of His timeless Word. May the Lord remove the cloud and illuminate His ever reliable way to all who are Looking to Hear.

-Micah McElveen


His Faithfulness // Micah

“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” (Luke 1:45)

Our Lord is the ultimate Promise Keeper. As we begin this new year, with so much shifting sand and uncertainty, may we focus on His Faithfulness.

  • May we be reminded of who He is.

  • May we be reminded of why He came.

  • May we be reminded of what He is capable of.

Let us turn our unbelief into faith so we can walk in the fullness of His plan for us. Trust Jesus, He is faithful.

-Micah McElveen
