Bend to Rise // Micah

The hunger to achieve is a common appetite and elevated status naturally follows success. We were designed to ascend.

Sadly, the fall of man gave rise to a depraved craving. A disease began to ravage humanity. The suppression of one to elevate another plagued societies in unchecked fashion.

Then came Jesus...

The Lord of Lords exalted the humble servant.

The King Of Kings elevated the peasant.

The Author Of Life raised the dead.

The Most High lifted the low.

The Lamb lionized service.

When I lift my eyes from a fallen world, God enlarges my view. He then points me back to down cast souls in need of The One who was laid low so others could rise.

My prayer? “Jesus help us live to lift you high and raise others up. Teach us to Bend To Rise.”

-Micah McElveen

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