Ashamed of the Gospel // Micah

The very notion of embracing one's need for the gospel can cause one to blush. But why? There are many reasons, but four common thought groups include: The "good group" who say, "Me and my tribe are basically good and have done nothing that requires pardon". Then there is the "karma group," which professes, "We fail but can right our wrongs by our own good works". The "party group" proclaims, "We love our sin and shun the thought of turning from it to Christ". Lastly, the "inclusive group" declares, "It is narrow-minded and offensive to say there is 'one way' for man to be made right with God".

For all, affiliating with the gospel can feel like an admission of weakness and alignment with shame. Pre-conversion, Paul was an adamant member of several of the mentioned tribes, but post-conversion he was so enamored with Jesus, so caught up in the wonder of the cross and so undone by the power of the resurrection that he did not care what haters had to say. Along with others he participated in unabashed apologetics proclaiming sole allegiance to the gospel...

Romans 1:16a "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..." -Apostle Paul

Acts 4:12 "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name [than Jesus] under heaven given among people by which we must be saved." -Apostle Peter

John 14:6 "Jesus replied, I am The Way, The Truth, The Life, no man comes to the Father except by Me." -Jesus, God In The Flesh

- Micah McElveen