Mammoth Truth Equals Great News // Micah

Occasionally, we come to scriptures which make direct connections between mammoth individual concepts. At these points, the richness in the message is more like that of Fort Knox than your local bank vault. Great treasure abounds and is ripe for the taking in Psalm 130:7. Here, there is:

  • hope- (Hebrew: yacht) to confidently expect
  • steadfast love- (Hebrew: checed) deep unwavering affection
  • plentiful redemption- (Hebrew: rabah & paduth) bountiful debt cancellation

These are all connected. The consolidated message reads, “You can confidently bank on the Lord who full of intense, unswerving affection for His children has forever cancelled out the sin debt for all who have turned from their sin and trusted in Him.”  Now that is Great News!

“O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with Him is plentiful redemption” Psalm 130:7

- Micah McElveen