
Beauty in the Unknown // Micah

Most of us long to know what's around the corner. Deciphering the unknown can become an obsession destined to let the obsessed down. It promises a sense of false stability and control. We think to ourselves, "If I just knew, I could plan, prepare, adjust, or prevent." That's why our initial human response to Ecclesiastes 3:11 is offense. You mean God intentionally created me with an inability to know certain things?

"God has made everything fit beautifully into it's appropriate time and has placed ignorance in the human heart that Man should not know what God has fore ordained from the beginning to the end of His life." Ecclesiastes 3:11

When we come to our senses and remember He is God, we are positioned to enjoy the silver lining. Yes, we are finite beings purposefully created with limitations, including intellectual borders, but which is better: knowing ahead of time things that are above our pay grade and out of our control, or knowing and being known by the one who is Omniscient (all-knowing) and Omnipotent (all-powerful)? It is good news that He who "fore ordains" has "made everything fit beautifully" and created us with capacity to know Him through Jesus Christ. God's implied invitation is "Trust Me."

- Micah McElveen