
Wisdom From a Blanket // Micah

Standing alone, individual pieces of fabric are relatively weak and unimpressive. However, a threads attractiveness and functional value are tremendously enhanced when interwoven with others. Weaving unearths a phenomenon producing an end result that is both strong and beautiful.

One would think that three interwoven cords are three times as strong as one, but it isn't, it's greater. Something mysterious yet scientific occurs when individual strengths are combined. Instead of resiliency output doubling, a multiplying force materializes bringing to bear a power the Greeks called "synergia." Articulated in English, synergy is "the working together of two things to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects." In other words, 1 cord plus 1 cord, interwoven, equals 3 cord strength. When cooperative elements are effectively intertwined a powerful functional capacity is unveiled.

A similar reality is produced as two become one on the visual side of the equation. Blue and green merged produce hazel, a beautiful third hue. Previously fixed color palates are expanded through the enmeshing of distinct tones. The allure, like a kaleidoscope, can be quite breath-taking, as the combining of varying shades allows altogether new colors to emerge.

As a magnificent quilt, which provides beauty to the eye and protection from the elements, is a result of a thousand threads that alone do little, so is the body of Christ. Powerfully beautiful potential is unleashed when we come together in one accord under one Lord offering our time, talent, treasure and influence to be intertwined for one world-changing purpose. As we pursue the otherwise impossible, the good of man and glory of Christ in all Nations, may we heed the Wisdom From A Blanket.

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

"Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ's body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other." Romans 12:4-5

- Micah McElveen

Sure Thing // Micah

Sometimes it feels like nothing is going according to plan. We envision a preferred future. We align our time, talent, treasure and influence in pursuit of our dream only to face obstacles and challenges that threaten to derail our objectives. Sometimes that threat materializes into reality. Resource-poor and limitation-rich, we find ourselves at our end, unable to achieve our dreams.

The death of a vision can leave us unsure, unstable and drowning in a sense of deep loss. We feel powerless, defeated and like we are left adrift. A multitude of emotions and stifling confusion can take root, causing a paralysis to grow where hopes once blossomed. The temptation to give up, check out, or grow cold can be as tempting as was the original dream.

The problem is we don't have the full picture, we can't see from God's view. We are finite and limited, but our God and King is infinite and Sovereign. Whether we see it or not, He is unwavering, in complete control, and always working for our good and His glory. While circumstance may change and human commitment vacillate, the Word of The Lord does not waver. His plans will never be undone, and His Word will endure.

In the end, the best place to be is holding our plans loosely while grabbing Him firmly. We are invited to dream God's dreams, desire His desires, and rest in His promises, all of which are perfect and unfailing. That, my friend, is a sound investment for in an ever-changing world. He is the only Sure Thing!

"There are many plans in a person's mind, but it is the counsel of the Lord which will stand." Proverbs 19:21

"God has made everything fit beautifully into its appropriate time and has placed ignorance in the human heart that man should not know what God has foreordained from the beginning to the end of his life.” Ecclesiastes 3:11

"But the Lord's plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken. What joy for the nation whose God is the Lord, whose people he has chosen as his inheritance." Psalm 33:11-12

- Micah McElveen

Pendulum Theology // Micah

For every action, there is a reaction, which often amounts to an over response. In many cases, the reaction produces a small squabble and a bit of humor for those with a front row seat. In other cases, it is however quite lethal, resulting in conflict of the highest order.

When we form our worldview in response to what we are opposed to, we run the risk of building our identity on the flip side of the pendulum swing. Instead of simply rooting ourselves in the objective unchanging truth, we form our views in the spirit of opposition. Emotions high and swords drawn, we find our stance planted in fertile ground ripe for the formation of pendulum theology. We, men and women under the Lordship of the same Savior, cast ourselves as being in the "grace camp" vs. the "truth club," the "merciful tribe" vs. the "holiness people." We become more consumed with not being them than being like Him.

In this climate, we run the risk of denying alignment with attributes of God Himself and inciting discord within Christ's own family. We, the body of Christ, should not make grace an enemy of truth anymore than we should make water an enemy of air. May we seek to know Him as He is and reflect all of Him as best we can.

"It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes." Ecclesiastes 7:18

"Now the Word became flesh and took up residence among us we saw His glory - the glory of the one and only, full of GRACE and TRUTH, who came from the Father." John 1:14

"I am not praying only on their behalf, but also on behalf of those who believe in me through their testimony, that they will all be ONE, just as you, Father, are in me and I am in you. I pray that they will be in us, so that the world will believe that you sent me." John 17:20-21

- Micah McElveen

Beauty in the Unknown // Micah

Most of us long to know what's around the corner. Deciphering the unknown can become an obsession destined to let the obsessed down. It promises a sense of false stability and control. We think to ourselves, "If I just knew, I could plan, prepare, adjust, or prevent." That's why our initial human response to Ecclesiastes 3:11 is offense. You mean God intentionally created me with an inability to know certain things?

"God has made everything fit beautifully into it's appropriate time and has placed ignorance in the human heart that Man should not know what God has fore ordained from the beginning to the end of His life." Ecclesiastes 3:11

When we come to our senses and remember He is God, we are positioned to enjoy the silver lining. Yes, we are finite beings purposefully created with limitations, including intellectual borders, but which is better: knowing ahead of time things that are above our pay grade and out of our control, or knowing and being known by the one who is Omniscient (all-knowing) and Omnipotent (all-powerful)? It is good news that He who "fore ordains" has "made everything fit beautifully" and created us with capacity to know Him through Jesus Christ. God's implied invitation is "Trust Me."

- Micah McElveen