
Humbly Furnished Peace // Micah

When a false sense of survivable autonomy and an inflated view of self-sufficiency are embraced, our pride swells and inevitably anxiety is ushered in. Ripe with all the above are societies that ignorantly over exentuate their independence. Such societies idolize the "Lone Ranger" myth and elevate the "Last Man Standing" narrative. From Super Man & Captain America to John Wayne & Clint Eastwood, we tout rugged individualists who pull them selves up by their boot straps, draw solely from internal motivation, take on the bad guys with "no help from no buddy," and do it all without breaking a sweat. 

Beyond being unrealistic and disengenous the underbelly of this solo act mentality is grounded in ego, "the limelight need only shine on me" and naivety, "I don't need God or others." As if we gave ourselves raw talents, furnish the oxygen that fills our lungs, and self-hatched from an egg laid by a rock. 

Given over to this thinking, we find ourselves exaggerating our own contributions, buying our own press, spending extensive time managing our image and increasingly worrying about all we are responsible to sustain. Ironically, a "solo uno" approach to life feeds pride and anxiety because it puts the weight of the world and the responsibility to keep it spinning on shoulders that aren't load-bearing. Left unchecked, this weight eventually sinks the most stalwart of ships.

In God's economy, humility and peace, are inextricably linked and together provide the keys needed to loose the shackles of pride and anxiety. Humility says, "Lord, you are mighty and by your hands, great good can be ushered in through your servants." It says, "you have called me to do life in community with others, who are strong where I am weak and wise where I lack understanding." It says, "I am free to cast the cares and anxieties that weigh me down on the one capable of shouldering the load." 

While pride says, "look at me," Humility calls for us to, "fix our eyes on Him.” While anxiety says, "worry because it is all on me," peace says, "rest comes when you transfer the load to Him." While pride ultimately adorns the walls of ones heart with anxiety, humility furnishes the halls of our inner man with peace. 

"And God will exalt you in due time, if you humble yourselves under his mighty hand 7 by casting all your cares on him because he cares for you." I Peter 5:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3

- Micah McElveen